Venison ham, Jerusalem artichoke and chanterelles crumble

GameFallow deer
Calories400 - 500
ActivityM 39’ F 54’
Wine pairingColli Berici Cabernet Sauvignon DOC


G 900 venison scamona
G 70 salt
G 30 sugar
Pepper to taste
Red wine to taste

For the crumble
G 50 chanterelles
G 100 “00” flour
G 70 butter
G 30 sugar
Extra virgin olive oil to taste
Salt and Timut pepper to taste

For Jerusalem artichoke cream
G 50 Jerusalem artichokes
mL 20 cream
mL 50 milk
G 70 mountain herbs
Honey to taste
Balsamic vinegar to taste

Kcal 433*

*For every medium-low speed running activity (8Km/h), the AVERAGE calorie consumption is of approximately 8Kcal x Kg x height, considering an average female weight of 60 Kg and an average male weight of 80 Kg.


  • Add salt and sugar and season the scamona, also adding the pink pepper. Wrap it with the film and let it rest in the fridge for 48 h.
  • Remove the meat from the fridge, remove the film and rinse with red wine.
  • You can freeze the meat to make it easier to cut.
  • Clean the mushrooms, cook them in a pan with a drizzle of oil and season with salt and Timut pepper. Blend with the cutter.
  • Cut the butter with a knife and put it in a bowl, add flour, a pinch of salt, sugar and blended mushrooms. Work the mixture until you get a crumbly dough.
  • Add the flour, salt and sugar and work very, very fast until you get a sandy mixture. Bake at 175° C (347 °F) for 8’.
  • Clean and cut the Jerusalem artichokes and cook them in milk and cream. Blend everything by adjusting with salt and pepper.
  • Wash the mountain herbs, seasoned with balsamic vinaigrettes and honey.
  • Cut the thin meat into carpaccio and place it on the plate, add the Jerusalem artichoke cream, mountain herbs and crumble.
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