Venison fillet, crispy basket, asparagus and reduction of black cherries

Preparation1h 30’
GameFallow deer
ActivityM 79’, F 109’
Wine pairingCarignano del Sulcis DOC


G 900 venison fillet
G 400 wild asparagus
G 300 field asparagus
G 200 pitted black cherries
G 200 Sardinian pecorino cheese
G 250 butter
mL 200 extra virgin olive oil
mL 150 cognac
mL 100 orange juice
Nutmeg, cinnamon powder and juniper berries to taste
Rosemary and balsamic vinegar of Modena DOP to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
Honey to taste

Kcal 877*
*For every medium-low speed running activity (8Km/h), the AVERAGE calorie consumption is of approximately 8Kcal x Kg x height, considering an average female weight of 60 Kg and an average male weight of 80 Kg.


  • Leave the meat to season 8 h in the fridge with the orange juice, the juniper berries and a pinch of cinnamon and rosemary.
  • Grate the Sardinian pecorino cheese, arrange it in piles on baking paper and then put it in the oven at 150° C (302° F) for about 1′. Roll up the pecorino wafers while they are still hot in order to create baskets and let them cool.
  • To make a black cherry reduction, melt 50 G of butter with some honey, add the pitted black cherries and a pinch of salt. Let it cook over low heat for 5’, add 100 mL of cognac, raise the flame and let it evaporate, and then add ¼ of grated nutmeg and a pinch of cinnamon. Let it cook for 20-25′, until you get a rather thick consistency.
  • Clean the wild asparagus and cook them in boiling water for 15′, toss them with olive oil and the wild asparagus stalks.
  • Take the venison fillet, salt it lightly and put it in a pan with the remaining butter, oil and some of the asparagus.
  • Quickly brown all sides of the fillet, add the cognac and flambé. Cook for about 15’, depending on the size of the fillet. Strain the reduction obtained in the pan.
  • Place the sliced fillet on a warm serving plate in the center of the reduction, add a drizzle of oil, the basket of Sardinian pecorino cheese, the asparagus and the black cherry jam. Dress with balsamic vinegar just before serving.
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