Venison club sandwich

Calories600 - 700
ActivityRunning F 81’, M 59’
Wine pairingVernaculum 2015 Villa Ligi


N 8 slices of bread
N 4 slices of Pecorino cheese
G 800 pounded venison meat
G 100  butter (for cooking)
G 250 chicory
Orange zest to taste
Wild fennel to taste
Extra virgin olive oil to taste
Salt and black pepper to taste

Kcal 650*

*For every medium-low speed running activity (8Km/h), the AVERAGE calorie consumption is of approximately 8Kcal x Kg x height, considering an average female weight of 60 Kg and an average male weight of 80 Kg.


  • Season the pounded venison meat with salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil, orange zest and chopped wild fennel.
  • Lay the meat over four slices of bread, add a slice of Pecorino and some chicory (previously washed and dried), then lay another slice of bread on the top.
  • Preheat a non-stick frying pan, let the sandwiches cook in the butter until both sides are toasted. Cut them and serve hot.
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