Leg and breast of quail fried with breadcrumb crust

Calories300 - 400
ActivityRunning F 44’, M 32’
Wine pairingOffida Pecorino DOCG


N 2 quails
N 2 eggs
G 150 breadcrumbs
G 120 misticanza salad
Lime juice and grated ginger to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
Peanut oil to taste
Extra virgin oil to taste

Kcal 359*

*For every medium-low speed running activity (8Km/h), the AVERAGE calorie consumption is of approximately 8Kcal* x Kg* x height, considering an average female weight of 60Kg and an average male weight of 80 Kg.



  • Singe and wash well the quails, bone them to obtain breasts and legs.
  • In a bowl whisk eggs with salt and pepper.
  • Season breasts and legs with lime and ginger, dip them in egg mixture and coat with breadcrumbs; repeat twice.
  • Heat the peanut oil to 180°, fry the breasts first, remove from the oil and dry on a paper towel.
  • Serve the meat with misticanza seasoned with extra virgin oil and salt.


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