Hare back topped with zucchini cream

Preparation1h 15'
Calories300 - 400
ActivityRunning M 36', F 49'
Wine pairingVerdicchio di Matelica Riserva DOCG


N 1 hare back
N 1 liver (of the same hare)
G 200 fresh mushrooms
N 2 eggs
L ½ vegetable stock
G 50 grated pecorino cheese
G 50 almonds, peeled
N 1 red bell pepper
N 2 zucchini
Aromatic herbs (bay leaf, rosemary, thyme, parsley) to taste
Extra virgin olive oil and salt to taste

Kcal 396*

*For every medium-low speed running activity (8Km/h), the AVERAGE calorie consumption is of approximately 8Kcal x Kg x height, considering an average female weight of 60 Kg and an average male weight of 80 Kg.


  • Leave the hare back in salt water for one night.
  • Sautée the mushrooms with parsley and a drizzle of oil, adjusting with salt.
  • Cut the liver into chunks and stir-fry with peppers, previously cut into strips, and almonds.
  • Whisk the eggs with the cheese and pour it over the livers, cooking for a few minutes. Add the sautéed mushrooms, mixing well the whole.
  • Drain and dry the hare, smooth it out and place the filling, then sew with a needle and feeding thread.
  • Put it in a pan with oil and herbs and bake at 160° C (320° F)for 1 h; add some stock if necessary.
  • Cook the previously washed zucchini and cut into slices in the vegetable stock, blend to make a cream, and adjust with salt, oil and pepper.
  • Place the sauce and stuffed hare on a serving plate.
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